Tuesday 5 May 2020

Where Has The Time Gone?

Eight years! I have to say it again to make sure I haven't got that wrong......eight years!!  Plans, hopes and dreams that seemed so alive and raring to go last time I wrote disappeared into the pending file of life.  The metaphorical inbox became overstuffed with the care of elderly parents and, in the end, the painful grieving process of their passing.  The ups and downs of changing jobs (3 times!) in that period left me feeling bruised and exhilarated in equal measure and at different moments.  A son leaving home and starting to pursue his own career and all the reassurance, support and mentoring that takes from a parent, passed through our little world.
Why now? Why this point in time to re-kindle the dormant flame of writing this blog and turning my attention again to Secret Stirrings?  Answer - a world that has turned itself upside down and made, I believe, every being on planet Earth re-evaluate their lives.  A pandemic called COVID-19.  I have no doubt that history books and medical journals will explain all you need to know about the gorey details of this shock to societies the world over; so I am simply going to say that the 6 weeks (with possibly more to come) of a nationwide lockdown has allowed me time, without distraction, to think about the priorities in my life and what is REALLY important to me.
As the opportunities to travel, visit, socialise and have access to all the amazing physical and social attractions of the environments around us has been limited to an essential trip for food or medical needs and 1 hours' exercise a day, so I have begun to assess what the things are that I am missing the most from my life "before."  I have narrowed this down to just 3 things - socialising with friends and family; being able to be in, on or near the sea and being able to access cultural events - theatre, galleries etc.  I'm going to take these in reverse order and try to express how and why I will value these things more than ever when the restrictions begin to be lifted:
Access to cultural events - I had not appreciated how much visits to these places influenced and directed my thinking.  Without the input of stunning art, music, dance and theatre my reserves of inspiration for my own projects in textiles and other creative forms are running very low.  Every tiny detail I brought away from one of these events in the past had been filed away in the back of my brain and has provided starting points and direction for some of the projects I have made in this period stopping me from being bored or going mad!  I am thankful for the Herculean efforts that museums, galleries, theatres and cinemas have gone to on social media to continue to provide artistic input to a remote audience.  I will NEVER take these things for granted again or become laissez-faire about their production and availability - they filleth my cup to overflowing.
Visiting the sea - it is no coincidence that the first ever Secret Stirrings Blog was written (yes! I know it was a long time ago!) sitting overlooking the sea - I love it!  The constant change in colour, pattern and mood fascinates me.  The never ending horizon makes me feel that the world is open and ready for me to explore.  Being able to return to enjoying the smells, sights and sounds of the ocean will be incredible and I will more thankful than I ever was before that I live close enough to be there in 15 minutes.
Socialising with friends and family - Laughter! Creating shared memories; letting your guard down and completely being yourself; sharing tips and tricks and offering support.  Once again, social media has come to the rescue here but you can't reach through someone's screen (yet!) and hold a hand or pour someone a glass of wine.  This is an aspect of my life I would like to get going again as soon as possible.  As a nation we are awaiting the Prime Minister's speech on Sunday, 8th May when he is expected to announce the "road map" to begin lifting lockdown restrictions.  It is hoped that as part of these measures he will announce that groups of up to 10 friends/families can socialise.
This is where I hope Secret Stirrings will rise again like a phoenix from the ashes.  I have dusted off and swotted up on the plans that had been consigned to the back of the kitchen drawer.  I have a new energy to expend and now understand that all the results of the time and effort that running a supper club will take will be more than worth it - making those treasured shared moments and memories together again.  These two things have more significance than ever before. Who knows if, when and for how long another attack on humans by a virus will occur.  How long will it be before Mother Nature sends us back to our rooms again to consider what we've been doing wrong?  We must make the most of now.  Now is the time for me to start "stirring" again.
See you soon!